Monday, May 20, 2013

Hold up...answer that question again but this time tell the truth

I had a voicemail message on Friday from a user that was frantic because they had lost a document that they spent a few hours modifying.  I figured it was a classic case of "opened from email" but you always have to be careful when making those assumptions.  I called the user on Monday and asked if the document had been opened from an email.

User: No, I create the document from scratch.

Me: So you opened up excel and saved the document to your desktop, then worked on it and then saved, closed it, and when you went to open it again it was blank?

User: No, I opened excel, worked on the document.  I saved it and emailed it to someone, then they sent it back to me and I worked on it some more, saved it, and went to attach it but it had reverted back to the one from before.  Why would our computers do that?

Me: I don't think our computers did.  So...just to be did at some point open it from your email?

User: No.

Me: But you opened it when they sent it back to you via email?

User: Yes.

Me: So at some point you opened it from your email?

User: I guess so.

Me: And then you changed it and clicked "save" and closed it down.  Then the file on your desktop did not have those modifications?

User: Exactly.

Me: Yeah, it's lost in your temp folders.

After a few minutes of digging around the AppData folder I was able to retrieve the file.  I wish users would realize that not telling support what actually happened makes fixing the problem that much more difficult.

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